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archive's blogMake Voting Representative (John Z)Participation in our democratic process is compulsory. You have to make a decision. Do you opt out after getting your name crossed out, cast a donkey vote or vote for a donkey? What if you dislike/distrust all the donkeys and you are part of the majority who thinks like you? This can't be real DEMOCRACY. What do we need to do to have an additional box on the ballot paper. 'NONE OF THE ABOVE'. That way, if this box counts as a significant proportion of the vote, they will know the voters are NOT HAPPY. A transplanted Yank who most often agrees with Margo's view on the political situation. (James E. Leslie)I heard Margo being interviewed on ABC radio and she said a 'NOT HAPPY JOHN' bumper sticker was in the works. I and a number of people I know would like to have one on our bumpers. May I suggest, if they are not yet in print that instead of John holding an Australian flag that he be holding an American flag In any case, I anxiously await their availability.
It's a Start (david booth)Margo you have written an excellent book, but volume two will be better. You have left out soooo much about Johnnie. Like his demolition of education. Like his Americanisation of health. Like his aim to build a two tier Australia. My gift to you, by the Dalai Lama (Sam Ashton)Good afternoon Margo. It is rare for me to provide observations on anything that is ever written in print. In almost 50 years, I have only commented once and that was to the author of a book called 'Wild Swans ' which was written several years ago. I wrote to congratulate her on her excellent, beautifully crafted work on her life's' experience and she was gracious enough to write back. Not so much a review... (Mike Greenwood)Thoughts occurring as I read the book: How come I was so unaware of Margo's weblog? How come so many people believed the Iraq war lies when so many of us saw the truth at the outset? Why isn't NHJ at the front of the bookstalls like the Clinton, Bush and Michael Moore varieties?
Responses to Howard ()NHJ is much more than simply Howard-bashing. It's a rational and measured examination of the ways in which our Prime Minister and his minions are slowly but surely dismantling our very democratic institutions. In other words, we hope it's a wake-up call.
Had to put it down (Dave Cornford)I had to put it down for a while to let the blood pressure subside, and I'm only on page 78. But I must finish it so I can get a few select others to read my copy, because they are in denial (or read The Oz) and need to read the book (they would never buy it).
Margo Kingston gives voice to the 'silent' majority. (John)Thanks Mr Howard. You turned me into a 53 year old 'hippy/radical.' I once was your humble, conservative, well educated, professional, hard working, liberal, family man, servant. I had never marched/protested in my life (not even against Vietnam).
Itinerary (Norman Murdoch)Hello 'NHJers'. Could someone please tell me on what dates Margo is conducting radio interviews? Keep up the good work.
What to do? (Neville Brown)I was on of the early readers of NHJ. It made me both sad and angry. The first questions I asked, was 'What can I do about this situation?' My first inclination was to run out and join the ALP. But on reflection I thought - to what end? So thy can have my subscription and I can stand in front of a polling booth? Woo Hoo! Is that making a difference? One Foot in the Grave (Tony O Hanlon)NHJ was like a Doctors call with good news. I am a 64 year old grandad who has been feeling very very depressed during the last few years.My darling wife put it down to the fact that I watched and listened to too many news programmes. She was right, the whole political scene became fogged, and for a man who had lived through a lifetime of political disasters I was not coping very well. NHJ cleared the fog. For the first time in years I was able to see clearly what was going on. Margo Kingston has cleared that fog and given me a reason to work to free this country of those who deem it their right to take my Democracy from me. From one foot in the grave I have a new lease on life. In recognition for Margo's sacrifice and commitment I have nominated her as Australian of the Year. see Tony Woy Woy
Your book articulated many ideas I have held (Ken Webb)I have just finished reading your book 'Not Happy, John.' I have often heard your comments on Philip Adams' show and this inspired me to get your book. I too have been alarmed at the gradual destruction of our democracy by the Howard administration, its lying, its contempt for the Westminster system, let alone its psychophantic attitude towards the US. Your book articulated many ideas I have held. I shall keep a closer eye on 'web diary' from now on.
Zionism isn't the only truth (Mannie De Saxe)NHJ: The following letter was submitted to the Australian Jewish News (AJN) in the last weeks and has thus far gone unprinted:
Things are not always as they seem ()Many of us are avid readers and consume all manner of media content. You would think this would give us a good basis to form a view on our government and our democracy. Alas, things are not always as they seem. We've had lots of feedback on Not Happy, John and a consistent theme has been a realisation that the system is more broken than we thought. ![]() |
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