Tuesday 17th of September 2024

archive's blog

More pride required (Patricia Cameron)

Am just reading your book NHJ, and am transfixed. Absolutely cringe at the chapter on how our parliament was occupied by a foreign power for visit of GWB. Previous book I read was the Paul Burrell one which mentions visit of GWB to Buck Palace - they tried same act and Queen told them that if her security was good enough for her it was good enough for him. Why couldn't we have more pride? New Zealand would have!

wonderful book (shirley reid)

This is more a comment than a review. I read your book and got madder and madder with the conservative government, in fact with most of our pollies. It's a great book. I gnashed my teeth a fair bit.I also wept at times.Your suggestions have been noted, and I put the bumper sticker straight on the car. Thanks for the effort and the controlled rage.

Campaign colours (John Gardner)

I've noticed that the 'Liberal' Candidate for Ryan, Michael Johnson, has adopted Yellow as his campaign colours with his workers wearing yellow T-shirts and his posters using yellow as the surrounding colour. I thought that Yellow was the Democrats colour of choice. Why isn't Michael Johnston prepared to run under the usual 'Liberal' colours of Blue and White?

Fed-up filmmakers say Time To Go John (Keren Flavell)

For the first time ever, filmmakers from around Australia have joined forces to create a film canvassing key aspects of Australian life under the Howard Liberal government. The film will premiere on September 29th and screening nationally from 1-3 October, the weekend before the election. TIME TO GO JOHN is a compilation of fifteen short films documenting pivotal moments throughout Australia's recent local and international history, from the Iraq war to detention centres, the GST, anti-terrorism laws and reconciliation. Made by some of Australia's best filmmakers and presented by comedian Rod Quantock, the film promises to pack all the punches and encourage voters to think carefully about their choice at polling time.

Review 270: Spreading the awareness (Clare)

Dear Margo, I love your book, what I've read of it so far. As a 17 year old I'm trying my best to understand as much as I can about Australia's democracy so that I can make informed choices about my future. Unfortunately, I've begun to feel lately that there is so little I can do to make people listen to me and to make a difference in the political arena - hell I can't even vote yet!!

But your book has at least made me aware and I've realised that if I can spread that awareness then I can do a little to help make changes. Awareness is like knowledge, it's very powerful. Anyway, I'd like to say thankyou for writing your book and for spreading the awareness that this country needs!

Direct Action in Pitt St Mall, Sydney every lunchtime til the Election (Jennifer O'Hanlon)

A few people from Jubilee Australia and the National Indigenous Ecumenical Peak body (NATSIEC) have been standing in Pitt St Mall, Sydney holding signs to let Sydney siders know we are 'not happy John'. We say in this election put human life before war; people before economic growth; mercy to those seeking refuge before

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Why is Rupert Murdoch so <i>scared</i> of 1 Citizen 1 Vote Democracy? ()

Not content with bludgeoning the leftish Greens and various centrist, NHJ!-style independents in the opening weeks of the campaign, Rupert Murdoch's Oz propaganda 'droids this morning demonstrate that they're just as capable of sneering loudly at rightish political players over whom they know they also wield zip proxy-power. Webdiary readers will remember how Tony Abbott's underhand and possibly-illegal 'Australians for Honest Politics Trust' role in jailing Pauline Hanson was helpfully 'explained away' in heroic 'civic-mindedness' terms by most of Rupert's senior political opinion writers - who then curiously went very quiet about 'the integrity of the electoral system' when it transpired that while Hanson was in fact innocent of any fraud, their beloved Saint Tony stank to potential AEC fraud heaven. Yes - Editorial, Kelly, Sheridan, Price, Shanahan, Milne...they just didn't wanna' know about To

Why is Rupert Murdoch so <i> scared</i> of 1 Citizen 1 Vote Democracy? ()

Not content with bludgeoning the leftish Greens and various centrist, NHJ!-style independents in the opening weeks of the campaign, Rupert Murdoch's propaganda 'droids demonstrate that they're just as capable of sneering loudly at rightish political players over whom they know they wield zip influence. Webdiary readers will remember how Tony Abbott's underhand and possibly-illegal 'Australians for Honest Politics Trust' role in jailing Pauline Hanson was helpfully 'explained away' in heroic 'civic-mindedness' terms by most of Rupert's senior political opinion writers - who then curiously went very quiet about 'the integrity of the electoral system' when it transpired that while Hanson was in fact innocent of any fraud, their beloved Saint Tony stank to potential AEC fraud heaven. Yes - Editorial, Kelly, Sheridan, Price, Shanahan, Milne...they just didn't wanna' know about Tony's little probbers with the

Direct action initiative to stop the lies (Dr Russell Darroch)

Every one visiting NJH should also see www.endthelies.net and sign up the for rallies on 3 October 2004. Stand up; be counted. With new lies every day (today about caretaker government obligations) it is time to STOP THE LIES.

Don't. Mention. The. War. ()

If you're only paying half-hearted attention, you'd get the impression that we've all 'moved on' from Iraq, right? Sure, the recent Australian hostage fears and uncertainties have reminded us of the terrible dangers still being faced daily there by our contribution, but when was the last time you saw some serious media coverage of the 'big picture'? And especially a cold, hard examination of what the awful future might hold? Exactly. There's a good reason why, too.

Read what a bunch of retired senior US military heads are saying. Note this paragraph:

General Odom remarked that the tension between the Bush administration and the senior military officers over Iraqi was worse than any he has ever seen with any previous government, including Vietnam. 'I've never seen it so bad between the office of the secretary of defence and the military. There's a significant majority believing this is a disas

A bit of a laugh (Emma)

We went to Uni together (Geoffrey Robert Neilsen)

Whilst I am a conservative voter by nature, I too have been alarmed at the deterioration of the level of debate on issues in Australia in recent years. I have enjoyed reading your articles in the SMH over the years, although not always agreeing with you.

My daughters gave me your book for my birthday and I started reading it last night. What a revelation! I have only read the first few chapters but you have articulated that which I have been saying for some time. Vigorous debate in a democratic society is a healthy thing - it's what sets us apart. I think that this idea that you are either with me or against me is unhealthy for any democracy.

Sadly, I think that Howard when he finally goes - and I suspect it won't be this time - he will leave Australia a more polarised, insensitive and selfish society than he found. Not a great legacy by any measure.

I also realised when I read your bio that we were at Uni together!

All the best
Geoff Neilsen

Restoring my faith in humanity (Trish Gleeson in Adelaide)

Margo, I must thank you for your book Not Happy John. It has restored my faith in humanity that there are at least a few people around who are able to stand up and be counted on these intensely worrying issues.

In the past I was a fairly conservative person who tended to be a swinging voter depending on current issues. However, while John Howard holds the reigns I can no longer in good conscience vote for this evil man or his party. (if he doesn't have altsheimer's he must be evil.... how else could he not remember dates, times, conversations etc of such importance)

In what seems another life time I was married to a Journalist who left Journalism because of the Murdoch takeover so your comments struck a chord with me there as well.

Please please keep going.... there are a huge number of people who agree with you but just dont have the voice or the means to get their opinions heard.

I marched in the anti Iraq war march, which was a first in my life, even though i wa

RESURRECTING RURAL AND REGIONAL AUSTRALIA (apologies for being more than 300 words but important to publicise) (Sue McDonald)

14 September 2004 Press Release RESURRECTING RURAL AND REGIONAL AUSTRALIA Leigh Belbeck, spokesperson from Bindaree Beef confirmed today that the next in the series of important rural policy meetings to be held in rural and regional Australia will be held in Gunnedah on Friday, 24 September 2004.

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