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Richard Tonkin's blogHalliburton Australian Defence stuff-up- Tanks But No TanksAfter all the trouble we\ve gone to, the whole plan's gone bung. It turns out, as some folks were warning years ago, that Australia''s new tanks, part of a mullti-nation Coalition of the Willing fleet of M1A1 Abrams, are too heavy to ride the Halliburton railway to Darwin. Freightlink, the consortium that Cheney set up to run the line for 50 years after KBR built it. has denied, according to today's Australian, that there's a problem, saying that they're working closely with defence on military transport issues.
Questions On The" Kovco Tapes", Sky Television Infiltration ScareThere's a video link from the inquiry room to that which the journalists watch from. Vision from the Kovco inquiry is supposed to go to no other place even within the amry barracks at which the hearing is being held. Howvever the Daily Telegraph reported that the inquiry has been halted, all of the journalists evicted from their room and their belongings searched, due to a believed wire-tap by Sky News. Sky and the Tele have since reported that this was not the case. The fact, however, that the inquiry believed that an infiltration occurred and acted accordingly belies the level of paranoia at which the inquiry is being conducted. Perhaps the Austtralian public should consider a similar methodology.
Smelling Like Project Rose- AWB Documents Ordered Handed OverThe old saying is that a person might be so lucky as to fall into a bucket of manure and come out smelling like roses. There's a fair chance that whoever named the AWB's reputation recovery plan may have been overly optimistic. Along with their departments, three Australian ministers, those of Defence, Trade and Foreign Affairs, are now swimming in that proverbial bucket. Project Rose was conceived when AWB knew that the UN Oil-For-Food Inquiry was going to suggest that the company was bribing Saddam for wheat deals by giving him money to buy weapons with. It is also likely to be connected with the activities of Australia's ambassador to the U.S. as another part of a continued cover-up program to conceal that AWB, a formerly Government controlled agency, was funding what became an enemy army.
Follow The Yellow Cake Road "Anybody who understands the changing character of the South
Australian economy at this time will understand these transitional
arrangements are an intelligent response.’’ Said Prime Minister Howard today. The Wizards of South Oz have been busy this week, spinning straw into gold, Chinese purchase of our uranium is meant to offset Adelaide manufacturing jobs going to the land of the Great Wall? Not likely. It was bad enough that the uranium deal, in which an Australian listed company will sell all its ore to Beijing and beyond,was announced before treaties were signed, three-mine policies officially abandoned and in general showing some responsibility and accountablitiy wth our deadly treasures. The timing of the information's release did, however, bump the Electrolux off-shoring to the day's second place story for a while, at least until the press conference. 500 whitegood jobs will be globalised into China, Poland and Mexico. The impact of the event has been softened by a joint Federal/S.A. rescue package
South Australia - Home To 20 % Of The World's UraniumFiguring that if Australia has 36%, and South Australia has three quarters of that, then our state must surely, apart from any other reason, be one of the most stragegically important places in the world. How could any self-professed superpower feel anything but duty-bound to protect such an important asset, especially if it might one day depend on the ore for its survival ? What an Achilles Heel the place could become if it's defence was left to the natives. So we get B-2s on bombing simulations from Guam, a run of "joint trining exercises" that will turn parts of the State into simulations of the Persan Gulf and Afghanistan, Christ knows what monitoring the desert from just outside our vertical territory limit of 100km.
Doctor Who - The 666 Story![]() The story, currently being broadcast in Australia, must have made many more people aware of the possible symbolism of the date than if it had been broadcast at another time. To achieve this would have required a considerable timespan of forward planning, and you have to wonder whether the writers and producers were simply timing for dramatic effenct and publicity or whether they may have been attempting to alert the populace to vigiliance of possible psychological manipulation of events emenating from that point in time.
Australian Halliburton Railway To Fast-Track Uranium ExportsWhen Halliburton CEO Dave Lesar and a "cast of thousands" of Australian dignitaries launched the Adelaide-Darwin in early 2004 everybody was talking about what a boon to Australian exports Mr Cheney's conquest of the Australian desert would be. Of course, nobody was talking about uranium at the time.... Well, the inevitable has happened, and we're going to see boxcars of yellowcake trundling from Adelaide to Darwin within the next few years, Immediately following the announcement of opening of a new Australian uranium mine (at Honeymoon in South Australia's far north east
Censored Suicide Speech Available Here
On Wednesday S.A. MLC Sandra Kanck made a speech on assisted suiced that
has been removed from the electronic version of Hansard. Read it here While writing this I have just gone on local ABC Radio and informed the rest of Adelaide that they can read a Parliamentary speech that has been effectively banned by their Government. I hope they do so.
Downer Gives Chief Of Staff AWB Kickback, Makes Him Consul General Of Los Angeles Downer must be beginning to panic that his chief of staff might be implicated in the kickback scam... he's getting him out of the country pronto! From the office of Lord Alex Of Australia- I have today announced the appointment of Innes Willox as Consul-General of Australia in Los Angeles. He will succeed John Olsen. Mr Willox is expected to take up his appointment in September 2006. The Los Angeles Consulate-General takes in southern California and the adjoining south-western states of the United States, an area that is equivalent to the world’s fifth largest economy and a major centre for the global entertainment and technology industries.
NASA restarts Woomera Spaceport for International Space Station
I've just seen the main story in today's Advertiser, of the commercial spaceport trials to be conducted by NASA at Woomera/.
Halliburton Fires Iranian EmployeesIf this account is true then the manner in which Halliburton's action might be perceived diplomatically by the Iranian government is of concern for us all. If the dismissal of Iranian nationals is interpreted as possible "damage control" in the face of activities that might prove to be bad publicity for the company, then the Iranians might assume an angry bell is tolling. On the other hand, if the Iranians suspect that the action is an attempted act of reverse psychology then they might be unhappy at the attempted provocation and respond angrily. Then again, if it's perceived as double-reverse psychology they might just lie low for a while.
When Investment Sites Play Nostradumus, Watch The Skies
"Why Aug. 22 as a date for its announcement regarding its [Iran's] nuclear
program? That is when it's said the Prophet Muhammad made his ascension
into heaven from the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem."
Conflict In The Middle East:( From Investors' Business Daily) As a top cleric warns of a strike on Tel Aviv if the West takes action against Iran's nuclear program, it's clear the real winner was not Israel or Hezbollah. It's Tehran.
An Explanation Of The London Terror FarceClub Troppo's Nicholas Gruen posted this bell-ringing article by a former UK ambassador, and it's ringing out danger. Have a look at this extract for a different point of view to that of the mainstream media: I have been reading very carefully through all the Sunday newspapers to
try and analyse the truth from all the scores of pages claiming to
detail the so-called bomb plot. Unlike the great herd of so-called
security experts doing the media analysis, I have the advantage of
having had the very highest security clearances myself, having done a
huge amount of professional intelligence analysis, and having been
inside the spin machine.
Halliburton Reactor Sales To Iran From Al Jazeerah 9/10/2005Cheney was CEO from 1995 to 2000, during which Halliburton Products and Services set up shop in Iran. Halliburton, which sells about $40 million a year worth of oil field services to the Iranian Government, was secretly aiding one of Iran’s top nuclear program officials on natural gas related projects and provided the official's oil development company with the components last April, the sources said.
Adelaide according to RaytheonBear in mind when you read this that there are Raytheon people wandering around Antartica, and that the reasons that Raytheon have identified Adelaide as a hub are probably similar to those I gave in Halliburton's Adelaide. Reprinted from Raytheon's website, this speech explains South Australia's new military role in the world better than I can: An address by Mr Ron Fisher, Managing Director Raytheon Australia
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