Sunday 19th of January 2025

Richard Tonkin's blog

The Brainwashing of Adelaide (and Melbourne)

Mr Bildstien, in pre-Advertiser days , was also a spin doctor for
Foreign Affairs Parliamentary Secretary Chris Gallus when he wrote the media release of an implicitly "South Australian based company", Halliburton, receiving Ausaid contracts...

The Aegis of Unreason

How did the Oz's Daniel Cotterill know about this five days before News
Limited's "washington correspondents? Is he psychic, or did he jump the
gun on the official propoganda? Either way, his disclosure of the
Aegis as the combat system for the destroyers was published five days before the
"official announcement of the possible sale". Actually, Greenpeace were way ahead...

At any rate, part of Australia's Navy will soon await U.S. Command.

Halliburton Houston AGM Protest, Australian Port Federalisation and Security

Exactly how close are Australian and American defence ties? In Adelaide an important U.S. Homeland Security consultant has been influential in the election campaign of the current Premier. His ideas may be the real ones behind the Federal siezure of contol of major Australian ports.

A passing thought.. are the Adelaide defence/resources machinations "the real deal" or a decoy?

NB: This blog has been incorporated into "Halliburton Down Under, Above and Beyond" which is now (kindly) linked from prominent international watchdog Halliburton Watch

Halliburton Down Under, Above and Beyond

(for an easier-to-read version of this blog, click here:

I am writing this blog because South Australia needs help.

We are an extremely strategically located city, for years headquarters of Murdoch, Halliburton and BAE,

and are being systematically brainwashed into becoming defence industry drones without ever being given the choice of taking this path.

For over a year now I've been fairly certain that Adelaide has been the centre of much more international activity than we're being told about. 

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