Saturday 8th of February 2025



piggy-furphy-porkie label

I'm still having problems uploading stuff on the site but the cartoon of the day is Johnnee inviting us the believe that his "guarantee is his record"... on the PIGGY-FURPHY-PORKIE LABEL... of course the record is an old CRACKED vinyl... with scratches to boot... Hopefully the wizards at the site will make it work for all...


Nice one, Gus, another masterpiece. Hehe.

I like the song Spreading Compassion. It has a homely, farmyard feeling, and I hope it's on Dear Leader's MP3 download-for-free list.

"Ridiculous and unsupported by the facts." There's a nice turn of phrase. Wait for it to spew out of the mouths of ...

Re: furphy-porkie label

Alas Gus I cannot see your cartoon!

None the less... I think I see the picture clearly...

No1 on the neocon (neolib?... liked that one Hamish!) lable is:




a chimpanzee looking for nits...


Deceptive attack on Howard's record
From: The Australian
YOU don't need to be a professor of economics to know John Howard was more fiscally prudent than Silvio Berlusconi. And if an econometric study suggested the opposite, you would look very carefully at its data and methods before placing much weight on its results. Unless, that is, you were the Fairfax press and the ABC.

That the ABC wouldn't bother to do so may come as no surprise. But one expects better of The Age's Peter Martin, who is a decent person and a respected professional. However, that didn't stop Martin beating up the claim that an International Monetary Fund staff working paper found Howard to be fiscally imprudent while exonerating the Whitlam government of any such charge.




You don't need to be a professor in bullshit artistry to know that good old Henry Ergas is gasbagging with hyperventilation... Peter Martin got it right for ONCE!... Usually Peter falls into the traps that economists set up for themselves... They often contradict what they purported the day before... But Peter was not the only dude to carefully examine the report like a chimpanzee looks for nits on a friend's hairy backside... And not only that, on this website there are many places where "Howard's Record" was looked at, and as usual the only character to praise the spin was Howard himself... Now, that was deceptive...


See toon at top...