Tuesday 17th of September 2024

Defence Minister to Resign, Finance and Defence to Amalgamate

In today's Advertiser, Phillip Coorey tips Finance Minister Nick Minchin will take up the Defence portfolio, although Mr Minchin wishes to retain Finance.

Mr HIll has been offerred the position of Australian Ambassador to the United Nations.  If he takes the position the current Senator For South Australia will  become housemate to former SA Premier John Olsen, who presided over Halliburton's takeover of the South Australian Water Supply.

 The two portfolios seem so inter-related these days that it would save much beaureaucratic shuffling if the two ministres were merged.

[extract from Thursday's Advertiser]

DEFENCE Minister Robert Hill is expected to announce his resignation from politics within days, possibly tomorrow.

The Advertiser understands the South Australian Liberal senator has
decided to close the door on a distinguished parliamentary career and
move to New York as Australia's Ambassador to the United Nations.

His resignation, just six months short of his 25th anniversary in the Senate, will end months of speculation about his future.

It also will clear the way for Prime Minister John Howard's Cabinet reshuffle.