Monday 6th of May 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

warming up...

warming up

market forces...

market forces

guess who...


compare the pair...

sick of good news

a cunning GOP trick...

a cunning GOP trick...

Presently, the GOP is white-anting unions from within... Basically GOP is enticing workers to become free from the "oppression and rorts" of unions with a new bill called Employee Rights Act... Brother. The name is sneakily chosen to hide a hiding to nothing... Of course it's the old trick of presenting the carrot of greed and freedom when eventually workers end up worse off... Divide to rule... Nothing new, Here is Australia, the Liberal Party tried the Work Choices legislation that got them booted out... But the Work Choices is not dead as Rattus Detritus (Tony Abbott) would let us believe... Merely delayed by a thread...

do unto him what he wants to do to others...



Jones talks rubbish... He is a shit bag...

the shame of it all...


Companies that run aggressive tax-avoidance schemes will be forced to provide the Government with details of all their celebrity and business clients under a crackdown to be announced today.

don't mention it...

don't mention it...

To which the Chinese would respond: "didn't ya have floods of the century recently?..."

You never know what you're gonna get...


THERE'S a new phrase entering the political lexicon: "sensible centre". It's Tony Abbott's new favourite saying.

star-spangled gunnery...


* Roughly 16,272 murders were committed in the United States during 2008. Of these, about 10,886 or 67% were committed with firearms.[11]

from the verandah...


Previously unreported details, documented in Massachusetts corporate filings and other public records, show that Bain Capital was enmeshed in the largely opaque world of international high finance from its very inception.

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