Monday 20th of May 2024

Australia on the road to fascism and other such news... ()

We're living in pre-fascist times, argues MK. Gerard Henderson, supporter of the status quo and ruffler of even fewer feathers, says not.

Henderson appears unmoved, unwilling or ignorant of the profound changes occurring under the watchful eye of John Howard. Gay marriage laws, illegally taking us into Iraq and treatment of asylum seekers are but some examples. The comparison is not with Hitler or Mussolini, but rather with newly created powers in the post 9/11 world, not least of which is terrifyingly repressive so-called anti-terrorism laws.

Then again, what do we expect from a former adviser to Howard himself?

And in other news...

As Hollywood star Matt Damon lands in Australia, news emerges that, America's premiere online activism force, will be launching a series of advertisements tomorrow, starring Hollywood stars (including Damon), in an attempt to unseat Bush come November.

And calling all comedians! Admire the brilliance of Will Ferrell 'doing' Bush. Any local contenders?

Finally, this astounding piece from The Australian on Guantanemo Bay and the upcoming show trial of David Hicks. This is the kind of deformed democracy we're signed up to by blindly accepting the Bush administration's version of justice. Key quote (and evidence of the sheer contempt for the rule of law):

'And what transpires in Guantanamo Bay's Pink Palace will never be seen or heard again. No audio or video record of the proceedings will be made.'

AND, this Democrats-produced Not Happy, John! film is well worth seeing.