Saturday 27th of April 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

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In his glorification of Menzies, John Howard took us on a tour of a grocer shop, aka run by Ronnie Barker. Menzies was astute enough to know his limitations, during a time when shopkeepers were the soul of king and country, without much intellectual density. It went all down from there in the Liberal (conservative) party, apart from John Gorton who knew his socialism was going to get him in trouble in a party concentrating on selling noodles for glorious profit and voted himself out of being the shop-keeper.

killing democracy

killing democracy...

blaming other for democritical fucups with intent...

warm as toasts...


More sensitive than we thought

The new paper recalculates this sensitivity again — and unfortunately the results aren't in our favour. The study suggests that stabilisation of today's CO2 levels would still result in 3-7C warming, whereas doubling of CO2 will lead to 7-13C warming over millennia.

Vedi Napoli e poi muori!...


Over the past years, Italy has turned into a military colony. There are over 100 NATO and United States military bases across the country. There is a stockpile of foreign weapons and ammunitions in Italy, making the country a NATO and US military laboratory.

a bugger of a week...



When Sam Dastyari was promoted to the shadow ministry earlier this year, Bill Shorten was unable, because of the opposition’s salary cap rules, to give him a pay rise.

it is our ethical duty to stop our destruction of species... biodiversity is our responsibility...


The world's largest gorillas have been pushed to the brink of extinction by a surge of illegal hunting in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and are now critically endangered.

doing the splits...


The Government's main climate change advisory body has split, with two board members calling for tougher action to reduce emissions.

global warming urgency for a dilettanti...



From Professor Clive Hamilton of Charles Sturt University and Professor David Karoly of the University of Melbourne — Members of the Climate Change Authority. Their report can be viewed at


rebel, by desperate need of counterculture... vale richard...



Australian author and social commentator Richard Neville has died at the age of 74.

the streets of jacksonville as cleaned by kate mcclymont were full of more shit...


The media gorging itself, on the falsehoods that Ms Jackson peddled, eventually destroyed the Gillard Government. There were other elements as well, including the undermining by the merde-och media using the former Labor leader (whatizname) as a destructionist of the Gillard government, but the Jackson lies, peddled by the media, would have had a strong detrimental effect on the plebs, us, in the following elections and the "coup" by the former Laborious leader.

Kate McClymont should hang her head in shame but she wont. 

we do not have much time left...


Flooding of Coast, Caused by Global Warming, Has Already Begun

Scientists’ warnings that the rise of the sea would eventually imperil the United States’ coastline are no longer theoretical.

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