Saturday 4th of May 2024

The day beckons ()

I may have been away from NHJ for a week or two (busy election blogging at Counterspin for the Sydney Morning Herald and Age), but I'm still as involved as ever. And just as fired up.

It's wonderful to read all the energy of people around the country, many of whom have never been political in their lives. As we've said for months, this election is surely the time to change all that!

I'm reading many people at Counterspin who are frustrated with the mainstream media's reluctance to move away from the old-style, Big Party, he said/she said dynamic. Thank god for blogs, I say, especially during election campaigns.

For a selection of interesting and challenging 'alternative' viewpoints see Road to Surfdom, Backpages and Troppo Armadillo.

And maybe, just maybe, the NHJ campaign of exposing Howard's issues with telling the truth, may be working. This article in The Australian says that people are slowing warming to Latham, or at least trusting him more than Howard.