Sunday 19th of May 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

in the beginning...


As more US presidential hopefuls are coming to the fore, and pandering shamelessly to the religious Latinos, one has to wonder about all the various Christian sects, churches and denominations in that country, as well as the various schisms in the Muslim religion of the Middle East and in smaller numbers across the globe. 

We need to inspect the multiple origins of modern beliefs since 4000 years ago in the human brain, including that of the people and their excellently recorded delusions as being exclusively chosen by god.

soon coming near you, like a bad hair day...

nugget 2015

As the Joe Hockey Budget is looming on the horizon one can only expect some mediocre tempering on the previous budget which is still mostly languishing in the doldrums of the Senate, for good reason. But as usual, Old Gus could be wrong and we may be surprised... I thought I'd jumped the gun in making some dire satirical predictions... 

the art of charity breaking your windows

mierda botch

Last night media watch gave us a lesson in ... Well I don't know what it was about...

the angry skies...

angry skies

Australia faces a battle to maintain living standards


down the crapper

Australia faces a battle to maintain living standards that have become the envy of workers all over the world, a think tank has warned.

if it quacks like a duck and poops like a duck, it could be a robot...


Then comes Sir Walter Scott with his enchantments... Sets the world in love with dreams and phantoms; with decayed and swinish forms of religion; with decayed and degraded system of government; with the silliness and emptiness, sham grandeurs, sham gauds, and sham chivalries of a brainless and worthless long-vanished society. He did measureless harm; more real and lasting harm, perhaps than any other individual that ever wrote.

a gaggle of tea party shooting contenders...

shooting whabbits...


With the gaggle of GOP 2016 presidential contenders growing, the Republican wannabes have largely refrained from assailing one another and have instead focused their wrath on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. But now Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has launched one of the first R-on-R attacks, and he has done so regarding an issue of primal importance to the Republican voting base: guns.

the dark prince from denmark...


Bjørn Lomborg is a well-known personality in the environmental debate. He is the author of several books which, due to their copious lists of notes and references, appear very technical and scientific and therefore trustworthy. Unfortunately, those reading his books or listening to his lectures or seeing his film are rarely aware that the facts and statements presented by Lomborg are often not reliable.

war pictures...

war picture

where is the outrage?...

outrageous !

our bishop does scheherazade — aussie mata hari meets rouhani...


Iran will take the extraordinary step of sharing with Australia secret intelligence gathered by its operatives fighting Islamic State extremists in Iraq. 

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop revealed the co-operation after a meeting with Iran's President Hassan Rouhani, during which she said he described Islamic State as the "most significant global threat at present".

Intelligence sharing with Iran - which would have been unthinkable during the years the country was branded part of the "axis of evil" - has also become more likely as optimism grows that Iran, the US and world powers will strike a grand bargain to ensure the Islamic Republic will not build a nuclear weapon.

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