Sunday 19th of May 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

rubbish, stupidity, narcissism...


The legend of Icarus is a weirdo. 

coal dust



dynasty of foreign crapula... as George walked backwards...


Jeb Bush Embraces George W. Bush’s Foreign Policy

the middle east as designed by successive failed western policies since 1900...

middle east

Not mentioned here are Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Sudan and a lot of "North" Africa...

turdy blossoms on the international stage...

turdy and the chinese


Tony Abbott has admitted at the highest international level that Australia's policies towards China are driven by two emotions: "fear and greed".

The Prime Minister's candid appraisal of Australia's primordial motivations, given with a grin in private conversation with Germany's Angela Merkel last November, is a long way from the prolix platitudes of official documents.

And it sits in awkward contrast with Mr Abbott's personal assertions of friendship, such as the one that he made to his Chinese counterpart the following day.

the conservative mind...


Late in life, William F. Buckley made a confession to Corey Robin. Capitalism is "boring," said the founding father of the American right. "Devoting your life to it," as conservatives do, "is horrifying if only because it's so repetitious. It's like sex." With this unlikely conversation began Robin's decade-long foray into the conservative mind. What is conservatism, and what's truly at stake for its proponents? If capitalism bores them, what excites them? 

no tax cuts, not poppins tax either...

turdy poppins....

The Federal Government has formally revealed it will not go ahead with a promised company tax cut for big businesses.

But nor will larger companies be forced to pay a levy that was designed to help fund the Prime Minister's dumped paid parental leave scheme.

socking it to hillary...



Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, pulled no punches Monday evening when he hammered home his message against a potential 2016 presidential candidate rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton. "Yesterday is over, and we are never going back," he declared in his formal announcement of his 2016 presidential bid.

ye gods !...


The origins of humans (homo sapiens) makes for legends in our own minds, including denaturing life with rabid religious beliefs. Here, there is some resonance between the Abrahamic religions and the "myths" of ancient Greece and Rome, with equivalents of various legendary origins, in the region — especially in Mesopotamia, but also in Egypt. 

turdy the concrete heart slab...

heart of concrete slab

Tony Abbott has said that only the Coalition could stem the flow of asylum seeker boats because other governments would “succumb to the cries of the human rights lawyers”.

The prime minister admitted that vessels continue to depart for Australia, saying that the government has “largely stopped the boats”, a step back from previous comments indicating they have been stopped altogether.

it's likely to go down like a lead balloon with the republican hawks and american warmongers...


rand paul

Louiseville, Kentucky: Senator Rand Paul promised to be a different kind of Republican on Tuesday, launching a 2016 White House bid that he said would highlight the conservative principles of reduced government and spending as he vowed to break up "the Washington machine."

bert, the happy clean fly...


Not all flies are dirty or carry diseases

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