Friday 17th of May 2024

Gus Leonisky's blog

the new economy...

the new economy

global warming and the financial pudding, during record may temperatures...


On a fair autumn day, in Sydney, where the temperatures for the end of May have smashed many records since records have been kept in this fair country, and when the temperature in Moscow will be 29 degrees C today, one can ask the question: what are the Climate Sceptics worried about? 

rewriting the law...


US constitution....

another half-baked advice from the kitchen of the fence-sitter maestrosita...


Today's effort by Annabel is to tell the bolshevik students that their mass protest is outdated and old fashioned... 

She ends up with a half-baked advice from her celeb kitchen of cracker pollies...:


fighting crime...


criminal budget

Tony Abbott has attempted to draw a line under two weeks of budget controversy by declaring that the "watershed" economic plan included funding for a crime crackdown.

from the unfortunate fence-destroying comparison-metaphor-simile-guy...



Prime Minister Tony Abbott has described the budget as a "fire brigade" putting out a fiscal fire, as he battles to sell the tax hikes and billions of dollars in spending cuts announced last week.

angels with snouts...



Dear Tony, I must apologise for having misunderstood you and your mates... Yes, you were right. That lying bitch Julia deserved to be shut down.

I think I have already mentioned the motor cars advertising...

liberal van

I do not know the status of the donations to the Liberal (CONservative) Party in general nor on the Central Coast. But I must say an acquaintance was surprised to see that all the Liberal (CONservative) candidates he saw passing through or parked, had the same/similar van with the same/similar advertising on it.


The conclusion was that there was a "central" orchestration of campaign designed to maximise the visual impact. Nothing wrong with this. Very savvy. The only problem now is to make sure that all the funding for this campaign was kosher. (Photo supplied).





the art of news corpse...

the art of news corpse

A few journalists call News Corp "news corpse"... I often call it the merde-och press. We're all wrong. News Corp is an art form taken to the limit of insanity and distraction with brilliance...


to the pitchforks, good folks of orstralya...


As dawn broke over Australia's new federal budget on Wednesday, it found some interest groups reeling at the new and straitened circumstances under which they will henceforth be obliged to live.

Among the hardest hit are firebrand conservative columnists, whose crucial supply of rant fuel has been cut off abruptly by the newly released national fiscal blueprint.

lügnerisch, leugenachtig, bugiardo, mendaz, 谲, gelwyddog ydyw, leugenaar, nagsisinungaling, liars...


"No surprises" they claimed... And as far as I am concerned there were no surprises. I knew these characters were lying to be elected and I knew the flow of lies would not stop ever after. 


It's only for those "swinging" voters who believed these dodgy farting politicians, that I feel sorry for. Yes, swingers, you were duped. You were bullshitted to. You were taken for a ride. You were being pissed on. You wuz robbed.

I knew they would.


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