Saturday 8th of February 2025

checking perceptions .....

Whether you prefer chardonnay, beer, bottled water or tennessee whiskey, you can now run a personal check on the contemporary settings of your ‘political compass’.


Political Compass


(Go to the link & scroll-down to do the test.)

Chardonnay leftie

I drink plenty of coffee and quaff any fermented grape juice but am partial to decent bottled reds with a bit of body and age, possibly to keep in tune with my oldish constitution that got a shocking wake-up call quite a few years ago on the day I took some kids to an amusement park and was given a senior's ticket without asking for one... At the end of the "political compass" test I was surprised to find I landed in the bottom left square space, between Gandhi and Mandela, not far from the Dalai Lama... Oh boy... My spiritual self was quite embarrassed since I don't have any, apart from a very short fuse with political creeps and porkie peddlers, and these good people have had a wisdom I'll never reached until I'm providing the decomposing fertiliser for a native bottle brush bush. So I discovered who I was:a libertarian lefty... and definitely not ashamed of it... like being a Howard basher... no shame in that either....

Libertarian Lefty!

Hi John.  I wasn't surprised by my results after doing the Political Compass test.

It is reassuring to know that I am now officially part of the libertarian left!

My preference for mid-strength beer wasn't even an issue...

what about our pollies ....

Hi Gus & John.

I think it would be fascinating to get our pollies to do this exercise - both for them & us!!

I think many in the Labour Party would show up where we'd expect Liberals to be, just as many in the Liberals would show-up in gorgeous genghis george's group. 


Re: what about our pollies....

Yes John, it would be "enlightening" indeed.

No surprise either on the chart of where various political leaders were "rated" to see Howard and Blair were huddled together at the feet of their spiritual leader!