Saturday 18th of May 2024


the odds shorten ....

the odds shorten ....

a price worth paying ....

a price worth paying ....

Anzac Day 25 April 2015: Gallipoli 100 years on

25 April 2015 marks the hundredth anniversary of the start of the British-led military invasion of Gallipoli on Turkey’s Dardanelle Peninsula, which resulted in over 200,000 dead and wounded in an eight-month period.

welcome to country ....

welcome to country ....

Australia has again declared war on its Indigenous people, reminiscent of the brutality that brought universal condemnation on apartheid South Africa. Aboriginal people are to be driven from homelands where their communities have lived for thousands of years. In Western Australia, where mining companies make billion dollar profits exploiting Aboriginal land, the state government says it can no longer afford to "support" the homelands.

baird government murders Bulga .....

baird government murders Bulga .....

The NSW government has signed the death warrant of a tiny NSW town, but its residents aren't going quietly. Thom Mitchell reports. 

obamacare + ....

obamacare + ....

Broad target of ‘al-Qaida compounds’ suggests 2013 policy change by Obama – requiring ‘near certainty’ that suspect is present – has not been implemented.

more organised crime ....

more organised crime .....

Does the FBI manifest fidelity, bravery and integrity, or does it cut constitutional corners in order to incriminate? Can the FBI cut the cable television lines to your house and then show up pretending to be the cable guy and install listening devices? Can FBI agents and technicians testify falsely and cause the innocent to be convicted, incarcerated and, in some cases, executed?

Australia faces a battle to maintain living standards


down the crapper

Australia faces a battle to maintain living standards that have become the envy of workers all over the world, a think tank has warned.

if it quacks like a duck and poops like a duck, it could be a robot...


Then comes Sir Walter Scott with his enchantments... Sets the world in love with dreams and phantoms; with decayed and swinish forms of religion; with decayed and degraded system of government; with the silliness and emptiness, sham grandeurs, sham gauds, and sham chivalries of a brainless and worthless long-vanished society. He did measureless harm; more real and lasting harm, perhaps than any other individual that ever wrote.

organised crime .....

organised crime ....


The senior management of Australia’s leading Banks went before the Australian Senate on Tuesday to answer questions regarding widespread fraud in their Superannuation / Wealth Management departments. Last year alone almost $80 million was paid to victims of the banks frauds. What was obvious at the senate hearing is the contempt the banks still have for Australian Laws, the Senate and their customers.

not so free speech .....

not so free speech ....

from Crikey …..

authoritarianism, not terrorists, killed Charlie Hebdo ….

lord of lies .....

lord of lies ....

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