Sunday 28th of April 2024

a vote for turnbull is a vote for abbott's rigorous failures... you are being conned by malcolm...

tony abbot

Former prime minister Tony Abbott has launched his campaign for re-election in his local seat with a rigorous defence of his time in office and a call to re-elect Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister.

mischief by gus on a cartoon by warren...


I have no idea what Warren means in regard to Bill Shorten having a brassiere. But Warren is a full-blown right-wing cartoonist. He publishes in the right-wing Daily Telegraph — an ultra right-wing paper designed for the plebs who think the paper represents the workers. The DT is a clever con of course. Everything in it is not so much designed to give you a hearty meat pie of news but a large paperbag of a nasty teeny soggy pastry. Warren included.


Here Gus has added the necessary "Emperor's new clothes" to balance the cartoon.

spreading democracy like hot mustard on salted porkies...



Seymour Hersh erases public's role on Syria

empire musings...


I have been slightly disturbed by Paul Craig Roberts comments. Not that I don't value his inside information and judgement but he has made a few "wild claims" in the recent past, including conspiracy about 9/11. On closer analysis, his claims make sense and are very disturbingly on par with what we spruik here on this site — or even what we could spruik, beyond the ridiculously conspiratorial. 


don't shoot the cartoonist...



Fairfax Media staff will hold stop-work meetings after up to 30 journalists were made forcibly redundant.

the daily horror telecrap show... who would have expected any less?...

telecrap show

Images from Media Watch ABC TV... Saved me some time at making up a full toon... Actually one could not do ANY better at deriding, lampooning, satirising, debasing, stupidising the Daily Telegraph than the DAILY TELEGRAPH ITSELF. 


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