Saturday 8th of February 2025

Facebook's Clause Is Coming To Town

facebook ....

You better not poke, you better not reply, 

you better not tag, I'm telling you why- 

Facebook's Clause is coming to town! 

They're making a list, and checking it twice, 

then selling your profiles as consumer advice- 

Facebook's Clause is coming to town! 

They see you when you're sleeping, 

they know when you're away. 

They know if you've been bad or good 

and they tell the CIA. 

You better not poke, you better not reply, 

you better not tag, I'm telling you why- 

Facebook's Clause is coming to town!


(Singalong Youtube here)

Hey Richard ....

Thanks Richard.

Great to hear from you ... although, we'd prefer it to be more often!!

Trust you're travelling well?




Stay tuned, John ;)  

Did you enjoy the Youtube John?

Being a very latecomer to home Broadband, I'm still discoverinhg "blogs with movinh pictures.. I'm gettin messages from all over Oz quietly cursing me for trapping these lyrics in their heads.. mwahaha!

how I love to be alone in the country ....

Hi Richard.

No, I stay away from the social media thing as far as possible ... I really think it is 'dumbing-down' genuine social intercourse & reducing everything to appearance over substance.

You only have to look at the tweets allegedly coming from that dickhead Murdoch to see the basis of my thesis.

