Saturday 8th of February 2025

a multi-sucking AUKUS forum...

The AUKUS Forum continues to amaze. Its latest initiative endeavours to extend AUKUS submarines to rockets. Or at least get on the AUKUS gravy rocket. What’s the scam?

The scam is the many ways a private group of AUKUS enthusiasts is endeavouring to get its hands on some of the $368B earmarked for the AUKUS adventure. It’s all for the common good, of course, supporting Anthony Albanese’s vision of “a transformational movement for our nation.”


AUKUS propelled rockets to take off from Arkansas? What’s the scam?

    by Kim Wingerei 


So far, the AUKUS Forum – led by “industry specialist” Michael Sharpe and a board including ex-politicians Joel Fitzgibbon and Arthur Sinodinos – has launched AUKUS-related development initiatives in the Banana Shire (where a source tells us they have just added an AUKUS youth group), Bathurst (even further from port), and an Indigenous group in Ann Arbor (Michigan – on Lake Erie at least). Not to mention its recent satellite offshoot.

What, then, could be a more natural next step than rockets? The AUKUS Forum recently launched its Missile Corp, focusing specifically on companies in Arkansas (US) – some 450 miles from the nearest potential submarine rendezvous point of New Orleans.

Never shy of ambitious announcements, Michael Sharpe declared, “True to our slogan ‘More Than Submarines,’ Arkansas is leveraging its strengths across industries to support AUKUS Pillar Two, unlocking opportunities in artificial intelligence, autonomy, advanced cyber, hypersonics, underwater capabilities, quantum technologies, electronic warfare, and information sharing.”

What will they think of next?



Assassinating a Top Russian General



Last week a top Russian general named Igor Kirillov was assassinated outside his Moscow home.

Lt. Gen. Kirillov had served since 2017 as head of Russia’s Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Defense Troops, obviously a position of great importance, and together with an aide, he was killed by an explosive device, with the Ukrainian government immediately taking full credit for his death. Leading British newspapers, closely linked to that country’s intelligence services, quickly declared the assassination completely justified and celebrated the powerful blow that had been dealt to their Russian adversary.

Although there was no acknowledgement of any involvement by the Americans or their NATO allies, it seems very unlikely that such a dangerous, even reckless operation would have been undertaken by the Ukrainians without the foreknowledge and approval of their powerful allies and mentors. Since the war with Russia broke out in February 2022, America alone has contributed some $175 billion to the Ukraine war effort and the Europeans an additional $135 billion. Large portions of these colossal sums have completely funded the entire operating cost of Ukraine’s state and its armed forces, while also contributing the continuing flow of equipment, munitions, and reconnaissance information without which Ukrainian combat operations would almost immediately collapse.

During wartime, targeting enemy commanders controlling troops in the field or coordinating operations at a frontline headquarters is obviously legitimate, and indeed quite a number of Russian generals have already died during the Ukraine war. But Kirillov held no such combat command and he was killed just outside his home in Moscow, hundreds of miles away from the battlefield, so most independent military analysts characterized the assassination as blatantly illegal, amounting to a terrorist attack or a war crime.

Consider, for example, our early 1990s Gulf War against Iraq. If an assassin hired by Saddam Hussein had struck down Colin Powell, Chairman of our Joint Chiefs of Staff, outside his Virginia home, we would have been rightfully outraged at that act of illegal terrorism.

During all the decades of our long Cold War against the Soviet Union, nothing remotely similar to Kirillov’s assassination had ever happened on either side, and it is difficult to imagine that any of our presidents would have permitted such a dangerous, potentially destabilizing act by our own intelligence services or those of our allies. This represents a further sign that all existing standards of international law are increasingly being set aside or ignored, probably with very grave consequences for ourselves and for the entire world.

Over the years, the Israelis have demonstrated a notorious tendency to assassinate their real or perceived enemies all around the world, with those illegal killings numbering in the thousands, while America and its powerful Israel Lobby have successfully insulated that country from any serious penalties or international condemnation. So as a consequence, this once abhorrent and prohibited practice has increasingly become normalized, and the Ukrainians have now apparently decided to take advantage of that unfortunate precedent.

Our proxy-war against nuclear-armed Russia on Russia’s own border had already involved the sort of enormous risks that no American president of the twentieth century would have contemplated, but even its more conventional side has now taken an especially dangerous turn. During the last few weeks, we have authorized the Ukrainians to fire their American missiles deep into Russian territory and according to numerous experienced military and intelligence experts, the targeting of such weapons has required the use of highly-classified American reconnaissance systems only available to our own personnel. Therefore, such American officers, whether in or out of uniform, must be the ones directing and controlling those missile strikes into Russia, with the Ukrainians merely pushing the button in some literal or figurative sense, and the same is true for similar weapons systems provided by our NATO allies.

Thus, American and NATO missiles directed by American officers using American reconnaissance systems are striking Russian forces in Russian territory while America and the rest of NATO officially remain at peace with Russia. Such a situation would have been regarded as utterly insane during all the decades of NATO-Soviet confrontation.


The likely reason that Kirillov was marked for death suggests even greater American recklessness. The day before his successful assassination, the Ukrainians had declared that the general had been involved in the alleged use of tear-gas by Russian combat troops, but there seems no solid evidence of this, and even if it were true, that would hardly seem to warrant such a provocative, high-profile assassination in Moscow. Instead, independent Western analysts quickly pointed to an entirely different explanation that seemed far more plausible, and Russian sources took the same position.

Just a couple of weeks after the Russians invaded Ukraine, they claimed to have found a network of dozens of biolabs mostly close to the Russian border, funded by our Pentagon and working with deadly anthrax and plague. Such development of offensive biological weapons was blatantly illegal under the treaties signed by most of the countries in the world, including America.

As I wrote at the time, I was initially somewhat skeptical of these accusations, which sounded so much like the outrageous falsehoods about Saddam’s WMDs that the American government had concocted to justify our Iraq invasion, but my views soon changed:

I’d seen some of the same Russian accusations swirling around the Internet, and hadn’t paid much attention. On the one hand, over the decades America had spent over $100 billion dollars on “biodefense,” the euphemistic term for biowarfare development, and we had the world’s oldest and largest such program, one of the few ever deployed in real life combat. So allocating a few millions or even tens of millions to labs in Ukraine would hardly be implausible.

But on the other hand, even if we hadn’t, the Russians might certainly say we had, with those charges being almost stereotypical examples of the “black propaganda” used by an invading army to justify its attack to the world. Since I don’t read Ukrainian, the documents the Russians claimed to have found would mean nothing to me, and except for zealous partisans on each side, I doubted whether anyone else would be convinced one way or the other.

However, the situation drastically changed on Tuesday, due to the Congressional testimony of Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, chief architect of our Ukraine policy. She seemed not only to acknowledge the existence of those Ukrainian biolabs but was also apparently concerned that their dangerous contents might fall into enemy hands, thereby seeming to completely confirm those shocking Russian accusations. I’ve never regarded Neocons as particularly bright, but the game-ending own-goal she scored on an issue of the greatest international importance may have set a new record for total incompetence.

I was hardly the only person to notice the massive implications of Nuland’s apparent disclosure. Glenn Greenwald ranks as one of the world’s highest-profile journalists, and he quickly released a lengthy column yesterday morning laying out the facts, and noting that our official media fact-checkers had spent a couple of weeks denouncing and ridiculing accusations that now seem to have turned out to be true.

Tucker Carlson devoted his top-rated show on cable to the same issue, emphasizing the shame of having to quote official Russian and Chinese government propagandists on the matter because our own American government officials had been lying.

All the facts are not yet in, but at this stage I think we should probably assume that the captured documents provided by the Russians are correct, and our Defense budget was funding the development of deadly biological weapons at Ukrainian labs near the Russian border, including anthrax and plague.

Given that Ukraine ranks as one of Europe’s most corrupt states, word of these projects surely leaked out, and it’s easy to understand why the Russians took a very dim view of it, certainly contributing to their decision to invade. How would America react if a rabidly-hostile Mexican government backed by China were developing deadly bioweapons near the American border?

Naturally, this gigantic story based upon Nuland’s inadvertent disclosure has been totally ignored by America’s mainstream media, but Carlson’s Youtube clip from last night is already approaching a million views, and the facts will continue to spread.

In support of this same possibility, Russian President Vladimir Putin had expressed serious biowarfare concerns in 2017 about our collection of biological material from ethnic Russians, certainly a highly suspicious project for our government to have undertaken. This raised very dark suspicions that the Neocons running our own government had been following the earlier efforts of their Israeli counterpartsin attempting to develop genetically-targeted bioweapons aimed at their potential adversaries.


Kirillov was the Russian general in charge of defense against biological warfare, so he would have certainly been at the center of that controversy, hardly endearing him to the American officials and intelligence organizations apparently involved in such illegal biowarfare activities. But I don’t recall ever seeing his name mentioned at the time, and I think his connection to that controversy was only discussed following his sudden assassination.

However, a few months after that media storm had erupted over the biolabs, he had taken a very high-profile public role in another, even greater controversy, which is how his name first came to my attention. Yet strangely enough, his leading role in that other matter seems to have been almost entirely tossed down the memory-hole, so much so that I saw very little mention of it by any of the Western analysts discussing the general’s death.

On August 4, 2022, Kirillov had held a public briefing at which he raised the possibility that America had been responsible for the global Covid epidemic that had already killed so many millions around the world. As RT News reported at the time:

Taking into account the interest of the US administration in the study of narrowly targeted biological agents, such statements force us to take a fresh look at the causes of the novel coronavirus pandemic and the role of US military biologists in the emergence and spread of the Covid-19 pathogen,” Kirillov said.

Russia now suspects that USAID might have been directly responsible for the emergence of the Covid-19 virus, according to Kirillov, who pointed to a Lancet article by Columbia professor Jeffry Sachs, who suggested that the virus was likely created in a lab with the help of America’s latest achievements in the field of biotechnology.

Kirillov pointed out that since 2009, USAID had been funding a program known as ‘Predict’, conducting research into new coronaviruses which involved the capture of wild bats infected with such pathogens, and that one of the project’s contractors, Metabiota, had been known for its military biological activities on the territory of Ukraine.

In 2019, the agency shut down the ‘Predict’ program while the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security coincidentally began studying the spread of a previously unknown coronavirus.

“The implementation of the COVID-19 development scenario and USAID’s emergency phasing out of the Predict program in 2019 suggest the deliberate nature of the pandemic and US involvement in its occurrence,” Kirillov said.

I discussed these dramatic accusations in a column of my own at the time, but they otherwise attracted almost no coverage in the Western mainstream media or even its alternative counterpart.


Kirillov’s momentous accusations drew heavily upon the public statements of Prof. Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University, who served as chairman of the Lancet‘s Covid Commission. In May, Prof. Sachs had co-authored an academic paper in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, pointing to the strong evidence that Covid was the genetically-engineered product of a lab and calling for an independent inquiry into America’s possible role in creating the virus that had already killed up to 20 million people worldwide.

Not long afterwards, Sachs spoke at the conference of a Spanish thinktank, and he strongly suggested that the deadly virus seemed to have emerged from American biotechnology but that our government was stone-walling any investigation into its origins. Those proceedings were recorded and uploaded to YouTube, and several weeks later a brief clip of his remarks went viral on Twitter, eventually being retweeted more than 11,000 times and accumulating a million views, thereby helping to prompt Gen. Kirillov’s public statements:

I discussed these developments in a short column:

Just a couple of days before Gen. Kirillov’s dramatic press conference, Prof. Sachs gave a long interview to Current Affairs, a progressive alternative publication, in which he described the roadblocks encountered by his Lancet investigation into the origins of Covid. As he explained, the scientific members serving under him refused to explore any American role in the creation of the virus and neither they nor our government were willing to disclose the recent American research in those areas:

What I’m calling for is not the conclusion. I’m calling for the investigation. Finally, after two and a half years of this, it’s time to fess up that it might have come out of a lab and here’s the data that we need to know to find out whether it did…

NIH was actually asked at one point: give us your research program on SARS-like viruses. And you know what they did? They released the cover page and redacted 290 pages. They gave us a cover page and 290 blank pages! That’s NIH, for heaven’s sake. That’s not some corporation. That is the U.S. government charged with keeping us healthy.

A few weeks later, Prof. Sachs attracted a great deal of additional public attention when he was suddenly yanked off the air on Bloomberg TV after mentioning that America had probably been responsible for destroying the Nord Stream Pipelines. I was greatly impressed by his remarkable willingness to boldly cross so many forbidden red lines that were timorously avoided by almost everyone else in our elite establishment, so I published an article lauding his courage:


Consider the full implications of these events. The top Russian general responsible for his country’s defense against biological warfare held a press conference at which he declared that America had probably been responsible for the creation and release of the Covid virus that had already killed some 20 million people worldwide. His accusation drew upon the findings of America’s own Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, the chairman of the Covid Commission that had been tasked with investigating all aspects of the deadly global pandemic.

Yet the response of the Western mainstream media to these momentous developments was almost entirely dead silence. And that silence even extended to nearly all of the alternative media outlets as well, or at least I can’t recall a single one of those publications covering this explosive story.

However, some in the West were obviously paying very close attention to what had transpired. Just a couple of days after Gen. Kirillov’s press conference, RT reportedthe suspension of the official account of Russia’s Foreign Ministry:

Twitter has temporarily suspended the account belonging to Russia’s foreign ministry, officials in Moscow have revealed. According to the ministry’s spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, the punitive measure was imposed after the diplomats cited a Russian military commander, who had alleged the US could have been behind the Covid-19 pandemic.

On Tuesday, Zakharova posted a message on her Telegram channel, saying that on August 5, Twitter “blocked for seven days the official account of the foreign ministry in English.” The diplomat explained that the harsh reaction had been triggered by the ministry posting a tweet featuring excerpts from a speech delivered earlier by the head of Russia’s Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops, General-Lieutenant, Igor Kirillov.

The ministry’s tweet in question cited claims that the United States Agency for International Development could have been behind the Covid-19 pandemic…

The tweet which led to the suspension is preceded by a plaque saying that it “violated the Twitter Rules on sharing false or misleading info that might bring harm to crisis-affected populations.” The platform noted, however, that it had chosen to preserve the message “for accountability purposes.

Russia’s war with Ukraine had begun six months earlier and numerous harsh Western sanctions have been imposed upon Russia and individual Russians. But this Twitter suspension was unprecedented, with no such previous action having ever been taken against an official account of the Russian government.

I think this extreme step underscored the enormous gravity of those Russian accusations. If the world began to suspect that Covid was an American bioweapon, the global political landscape might drastically shift.

I had no particular insight into the thinking of the Twitter monitors who suspended Russia’s official account, but I felt that it was quite possible that they sincerely regarded those Covid accusations as totally absurd and dangerous, an outrageous “conspiracy theory” having absolutely no basis in reality.

Corporate executives probably draw their understanding of the world from the same media sources as the general public, and if no Western journalists had ever hinted that Covid might have been an American bioweapon, that notion would seem just as unimaginable to a Twitter manager as it would be to one’s own next-door neighbor. Those who control the media thereby set the contours of perceived reality.

For more than two years I had been stunned by the complete unwillingness of virtually any mainstream or alternative journalists to take notice of the very strong evidence of American culpability in the Covid outbreak. The day before Twitter had banned Russia’s official account, I’d sent a note to a member of America’s elite establishment with whom I’d been friendly for many years:

…the whole situation just staggers the imagination.

For the sake of argument, let’s assume I’m correct and there’s at least a pretty good chance that the blowback from an unauthorized biowarfare attack has now killed a million Americans.

Can you think of anything in the history of the world let alone the history of America that’s comparable to that? As I argued in one of my recent articles, it’s probably 1000x a greater worldwide disaster than Chernobyl.

And the notion that absolutely no one is willing to discuss it is just unbelievable. It’s not like Stalin’s NKVD will ship them off to the Gulag if they say anything. I mean it’s one thing if people are fearful of being shot, but it’s another thing if they’re merely fearful of being criticized on Twitter…

I just can’t understand why absolutely no one is willing to take a public stand on this issue. Once all the facts came out more than a year ago, I assumed the dam would break any week.

And his reply:

It is quite amazing.


Among the countries of the world, the Russians had hardly been alone in accusing the American government of having created and released the Covid virus. One of the earliest countries hit by Covid following the initial outbreak in China had been Iran, another leading American antagonist, and I’d strongly emphasized that fact in my original April 2020 article:

As the coronavirus gradually began to spread beyond China’s own borders, another development occurred that greatly multiplied my suspicions. Most of these early cases had occurred exactly where one might expect, among the East Asian countries bordering China. But by late February Iran had become the second epicenter of the global outbreak. Even more surprisingly, its political elites had been especially hard-hit, with a full 10% of the entire Iranian parliament soon infected and at least a dozen of its officials and politicians dying of the disease, including some who were quite senior. Indeed, Neocon activists on Twitter began gleefully noting that their hated Iranian enemies were now dropping like flies.

Let us consider the implications of these facts. Across the entire world the only political elites that have yet suffered any significant human losses have been those of Iran, and they died at a very early stage, before significant outbreaks had even occurred almost anywhere else in the world outside China. Thus, we have America assassinating Iran’s top military commander on Jan. 2nd and then just a few weeks later large portions of the Iranian ruling elites became infected by a mysterious and deadly new virus, with many of them soon dying as a consequence. Could any rational individual possibly regard this as a mere coincidence?

later noted the highly unusual and suspicious aspects of this extremely early Iranian outbreak:

That initial Iranian outbreak was also strangely centered on the Holy City of Qom, the home of that country’s elite political and religious leadership rather than in the far larger metropolis of Tehran. Whether Covid appeared in Wuhan as a natural virus or was released due to an accidental lab-leak, Wuhan is some 5,500 kilometers from Qom, so the latter city would hardly seem the most likely location for the next major appearance of the virus.

By March additional major Covid outbreaks had also occurred in Northern Italy and soon afterwards Spain, but the circumstances were quite different. According to Wikipedia, some 300,000 Chinese live and work in that Italian region while another 150,000 Chinese reside in Spain, and many of these individuals had surely returned from annual Lunar New Year trips to their Chinese homeland, perhaps bringing the virus back with them. By contrast, Iran’s total Chinese population is one of the smallest in the world, numbering just 5,000-9,000, and overwhelmingly concentrated in Tehran rather than Qom.

China has very extensive trading and business links throughout the world, with perhaps a million Chinese residing in Africa and several million Chinese immigrants in the US and Canada, many of whom retain close personal ties to their homeland. So if an international panel of expert epidemiologists had been given the hypothetical case of a new epidemic in Wuhan, China and asked to predict the next city to which the disease would spread, I suspect that Qom in Iran would have been close to the bottom of their list. But after our early January assassination of Gen. Qasem Soleimini and Iran’s retaliatory cruise missile strikes against our Middle Eastern bases, any panel of military strategists would surely have ranked Iran’s leadership near the absolute top of American targets.

Together with its close Israeli ally, the U.S. has long maintained an effective network of agents and operatives in Iran, who have successfully carried out numerous major sabotage operations and high-level assassinations. Compared to such difficult attacks on heavily-guarded targets, the quiet release of an invisible and untraceable but highly contagious virus in some gathering of political elites would have been an extremely easy operation, especially since the results would have only become apparent weeks later as the victims fell ill and the disease began to spread.

The Iranians themselves recognized these obvious facts. By early March 2020, the Iranian general overseeing his country’s biowarfare defense had already begun suggesting that Covid was a Western biological attack against his country and China, and a couple of days later the semiofficial Iranian news agency FARS quotedIran’s top Revolutionary Guards military commander as declaring:

Today, the country is engaged in a biological battle. We will prevail in the fight against this virus, which might be the product of an American biological [attack], which first spread in China and then to the rest of the world…America should know that if it has done so, it will return to itself.

Soon afterward, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei took the same public position, while populist former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad became especially vocal on Twitter for several months, even directing his formal accusations to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. Just a single one of his numerous Tweets drew many thousands of Retweets and Likes.

Iranian radio and television and its international news service repeatedly carried these stories, backed by supportive interviews with a top political aide to Malaysia’s former prime minister. But America’s overwhelming domination over the English-language global media ensured that this major international controversy never came to my attention at the time it occurred.

The blockade preventing these Iranian charges from reaching the English-speaking world was further facilitated by American control over the basic infrastructure of the Internet. Just one month earlier, Iran’s PressTV channel for Britain had been deleted by YouTube, following the earlier removal of its main global channel. Most recently, the American government took the unprecedented action of seizing PressTV‘s Internet domain, completely eliminating all access to that website.

Wikipedia is also under hostile control, so we should hardly be surprised that this ubiquitous source of worldwide information rather implausibly suggested that a single Iranian businessman returning from China was the cause of the Qom outbreak.


During 2024, additional evidence of Covid’s American origins has continually been uncovered, and although this has been ignored nearly everywhere in both the mainstream and alternative media, much of it has been highlighted by the remarkably fearless Prof. Sachs.

Six months ago, Sachs was interviewed by Tucker Carlson, and towards the end of his long discussion, he covered this enormously important issue and the attempts made by our entire governmental and scientific establishment to conceal it. That show drew 9.5 million impressions on Twitter and nearly another couple of million views on YouTube.

Video Link

Last week, Sachs once again appeared on Carlson’s show, declaring that the evidence “is now overwhelming” that Covid was “made in a U.S. lab,” with their discussion accumulating more than 35 million impressions on Twitter and almost another million views on YouTube:

Video Link

One of the crucial pieces of evidence cited by Sachs was a December 2018 scientific paper authored by a team of American scientists led by Dr. Ralph Baric that analyzed the characteristics of something very similar to the Covid virus. The research had been conducted at an American lab and none of the co-authors was Chinese or directly associated with any lab in that country, but their naming convention indicated that the precursor virus had been obtained from the Wuhan lab. A few months after the global epidemic began, other scientists determined that although the Covid virus could infect and be transmitted in various types of bats and other mammals, these did not include Chinese bats.

Earlier this year, Sachs even went so far as to publish an article arguing that the United States might owe the world massive financial reparations for having been responsible for the Covid epidemic.

Thus, it looks increasingly likely that the Covid virus was created in an American lab, while there is no evidence that it was ever present at China’s Wuhan lab, nor that any lab-leak occurred at that latter facility. Indeed, an experienced Western virologist named Danielle Anderson was working at the Wuhan lab at the time and she has publicly expressed her great skepticism of either of those possibilities. Yet oddly enough, once the outbreak began, American intelligence agencies almost immediately began promoting the claim that the Covid virus had leaked from the Wuhan lab.

So if we follow the evidence and accept that Covid was created in an American lab, we are faced with the great mystery of how it then suddenly jumped to Wuhan, China and soon afterwards to Qom, Iran, a mystery that seems to possess only one logical solution. However, as the death of Gen. Kirillov possibly demonstrated, voicing that solution may entail extremely serious personal consequences, perhaps helping to explain why so few in a position of authority have been willing to do so.

As I have emphasized in my long series of articles on the subject, there exist numerous additional pieces of telling evidence supporting that same conclusion, some of which can be easily summarized in just a few paragraphs:

For example, in 2017 Trump brought in Robert Kadlec, who since the 1990s had been one of America’s leading biowarfare advocates. The following year in 2018 a mysterious viral epidemic hit China’s poultry industry and in 2019, another mysterious viral epidemic devastated China’s pork industry…

From the earliest days of the administration, leading Trump officials had regarded China as America’s most formidable geopolitical adversary, and orchestrated a policy of confrontation. Then from January to August 2019, Kadlec’s department ran the “Crimson Contagion” simulation exercise, involving the hypothetical outbreak of a dangerous respiratory viral disease in China, which eventually spreads into the United States, with the participants focusing on the necessary measures to control it in this country. As one of America’s foremost biowarfare experts, Kadlec had emphasized the unique effectiveness of bioweapons as far back as the late 1990s and we must commend him for his considerable prescience in having organized a major viral epidemic exercise in 2019 that was so remarkably similar to what actually began in the real world just a few months later.

With leading Trump officials greatly enamored of biowarfare, fiercely hostile to China, and running large-scale 2019 simulations on the consequences of a mysterious viral outbreak in that country, it seems entirely unreasonable to completely disregard the possibility that such extremely reckless plans may have been privately discussed and eventually implemented, though probably without presidential authorization.

But with the horrific consequences of our own later governmental inaction being obvious, elements within our intelligence agencies have sought to demonstrate that they were not the ones asleep at the switch. Earlier this month, an ABC News story cited four separate government sources to reveal that as far back as late November, a special medical intelligence unit within our Defense Intelligence Agency had produced a report warning that an out-of-control disease epidemic was occurring in the Wuhan area of China, and widely distributed that document throughout the top ranks of our government, warning that steps should be taken to protect US forces based in Asia. After the story aired, a Pentagon spokesman officially denied the existence of that November report, while various other top level government and intelligence officials refused to comment. But a few days later, Israeli television mentioned that in November American intelligence had indeed shared such a report on the Wuhan disease outbreak with its NATO and Israeli allies, thus seeming to independently confirm the complete accuracy of the original ABC News story and its several government sources.

It therefore appears that elements of the Defense Intelligence Agency were aware of the deadly viral outbreak in Wuhan more than a month before any officials in the Chinese government itself. Unless our intelligence agencies have pioneered the technology of precognition, I think this may have happened for the same reason that arsonists have the earliest knowledge of future fires.


Video Link

According to these multiply-sourced mainstream media accounts, by “the second week of November” our Defense Intelligence Agency was already preparing a secret report warning of a “cataclysmic” disease outbreak taking place in Wuhan. Yet at that point, probably no more than a couple of dozen individuals had been infected in that city of 11 million, with few of those yet having any serious symptoms. The implications are rather obvious.

These same ideas were also presented in a series of my podcast interviews, originally released on Rumble, but now available on YouTube as well.

Kevin Barrett, FFWN • February 16, 2022 • 15m • on Rumble


Video Link

Geopolitics & Empire • February 1, 2022 • 75m • on Rumble


Video Link

Red Ice TV • February 3, 2022 • 130m • on Rumble


Video Link

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