Wednesday 8th of May 2024


endorsed by the queen of aussieland...



Prime Minister Tony Abbott has brought back the titles of knights and dames for "pre-eminent" Australians, nearly three decades after the honour was abolished by the Hawke Labor government.

no need to worry...


Everyday, I worry that there won't be a subject to vent my spleen... What would be horrific for a toonist is that all issues would have been solved and the world is all nice and spice... No need to worry.


Attorney-General George Brandis has defended the Government's plan to amend a key part of the nation's racial discrimination laws, saying people have "a right to be bigots".

consume, dear consumer, and be happy in the hands of lord business...


Everything is not awesome. The merry theme song of the LEGO movie invites us to believe that everything is. That is, until our plastic protagonists discover they are mere pawns in the game of "Lord Business".

chinese walls ....

chinese walls ....

from mike carlton ….

Shed no tears for Arthur Sinodinos. It was greed and folly that brought him down, a lethal cocktail for politicians at his level, and all his own work.

the devil is in the humans destroying the details...

tassie devil

As Anthony John Abbott is impersonating a Primal Minister of the crown and wants to destroy a "small" percentage of  protected Tasmanian forests, it is time to take a breather and see where humanity has gone wrong...

In regard to the Tasmanian Devil, once common — now considered an endangered species due to a ravaging form of mouth cancer — the question is how much the influence of human activities, especially that of poisoning the land, cutting the trees and the wanton decimation of the wildlife has had on the poor devils?

the rocks in his head...

rocks in his head

Scores of angry public housing tenants have vented their fury over the decision to sell nearly 300 homes in the heart of Sydney’s historic The Rocks area.

doing business ....

doing business ....

Financial planners will be able to break the financial advice law with impunity unless a client takes private action, the government says.

An explanatory memorandum tabled with the changes to Labor's Future of Financial Advice legislation says the Australian Securities and Investments Commission ''will not take enforcement action in relation to the specific FOFA provisions that the government is planning to repeal''.

when species are left to rot in a basket case...

ethical duty9

The dramatic ongoing loss of Australian animal and plant species has prompted influential scientists to call on governments to start making tough decisions about which ones to save - and which species should be left to face extinction. 

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