Monday 10th of February 2025

Gus Leonisky's blog

the tragedy of our inertia...

temp chart 3

Why it is important to tally the number of days above a certain temperature compared with similar period in past records...

the theatre of politics...

theatre of politics...

As most of the mainstream media uses epithet like "disaster", "Labor's shrivelled bacon", "chicken Kev", "catastrophe" and even a "%$&(#@ that" to describe Julia staying in the PM chair — and of course blames Julia and Swan for the "debacle" (it's not a debacle — it was actually lancing a big boil that has been festering in the Labor Party), I for one could not be happier... Having been through many changes of fragile government in Europe, I can see a Shakespearian drama/comedy being climaxed... and there will be a clever twist at the end... Julia wins the election...


the visitor...

the visitor...

JERUSALEM — President Obama made an impassioned appeal Thursday for renewed peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians, urging each side to compromise on key issues so as to sideline extremists who “thrive on conflict.”

crean buns and ruddy lemon juice on a day of sorry...


What a farce...

And I don't mean the Labor's spill today... the fault of which lay squarely on Simon Crean's lap...

constipation in the media...


a case study of quick picture switch at News Limited...

the dollipotts...

the dollipotts...

culture in a petri-cracy dish...

petri dish

Media is there to entertain us — not to inform us. The product of choice is inanity.

When media tries to inform us it's always with twisted view points and a pander to our express desire to be distracted from reality with make-believe "reality" and to feed our pre-munched bigotry... And the more we enjoy the make-belief, the more we develop the habit to be entertained with illusions until we get bored and demand more powerful entertainment. The process is addictive as it presses the buttons of our creature of habits, with cleverly added "surprising" increments to alleviate the habit of habit-forming... Like a drug addict, we need stronger doses of inanity to make us enjoy more inanity...

the media wars...

media wars

Anyone who think that the media self-regulation works please place your hand up...

the water treatment


This Gus picture shows "the Gulf" about 100 miles from Normanton.

white smoke....

white smoke

Caption: "He was the only one who had not been blacklisted and could speak Italian"...

of loaves, lies and fishes...


The merde-och press gets it wrong again...

kim's nightmare...

kim w

News Limited chief executive Kim Williams says the media reform package tailored by Communications Minister Stephen Conroy is targeted at his company.

promoting tony...


Mr Murdoch tells us that the right to tell porkies is sacrosanct...


16 Quotes From Tony Abbott to Remind You Why He Shouldn’t Be Prime Minister ?

On immigration:

a galah...


It makes my eyes water... I don't know if I should cry or laugh... Is THIS exactly what Tony said?... What does that tell you, not so much about Tonicchio Abbott's ego which we know is bigger than the Titanic, but about his inflated imbecilic minimal understanding of the way the real world works?... 

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